#web applications
#web development
#php framework

How to Install Laravel using Composer ?


AnonymousJan 01, 2024

How to Install Laravel using Composer ?

Taylor Otwell developed the well-liked and free open-source PHP web framework Laravel with the goal of facilitating the creation of web applications that adhere to the model-view-controller (MVC) architectural pattern.

The core functionalities of PHP frameworks like Yii and CodeIgniter, as well as other programming languages like Ruby on Rails, are combined into Laravel's rich feature set. Web development will proceed more quickly thanks to Laravel's extensive feature set.

Laravel will make your work easier if you know how to use Core PHP and Advanced PHP. If you intend to create a website from scratch, it saves a tonne of time. A website developed with Laravel is also safe and resistant to numerous online threats.

In this article, you will learn how to install Laravel  using Composer.

Step 1 - Creating A Laravel Project

Before beginning your first Laravel project, make sure PHP and Composer are both installed correctly on your local workstation. For developers working on macOS, installing PHP and Composer using Homebrew is an good option. In addition, we highly recommend installing Node and NPM.

After you have installed PHP and Composer, you may create a new Laravel project via Composer's create-project command:

composer create-project laravel/techstackkit-app

Or, you may create new Laravel projects by globally installing the Laravel installer via Composer:

composer global require laravel/installer
laravel new techstackkit-app

Step 2 - Starting A Laravel Project

Once the project has been created, start Laravel's local development server using Laravel Artisan's serve command:

cd techstackkit-app
php artisan serve

You can access your application in your web browser at http://localhost:8000.


And there you have it – a quick and easy guide to installing Laravel. With its user-friendly features, time-saving magic, and security fortifications, Laravel is your ticket to a seamless web development journey. So go ahead, dive in, and let your creativity flourish with the power of Laravel at your fingertips.

Happy coding!